Sunday, December 18, 2022

Eating a lot and looking for a missing dog

Wordle 547 5/6


Yesterday, as he often does, T.'s father got donuts from the store. That was an appetizer for the real breakfast: pancakes, eggs, and sausages at a school fundraiser. It wasn't as good as mine but it was for a good cause. 

We relaxed around the house for a few hours. The kid asked me to play with her with these new dolls we had given her for Christmas, but apparently I was doing it wrong, so she asked me to watch the show they're based on with her so I'd know what they were supposed to be like. What were we thinking, getting her these? We also did most of the work on her pinewood derby car. T.'s dad supplied the tools, I did most of the tool-using, the kid did some detail work and about half the art with me. A little before noon we noticed that one of the dogs was missing, presumably escaped when someone was careless when a gate, but didn't worry too much.

Lunch was quiche and a salad. Then T., her dad, the kid, and I went for a drive to Sutter Creek. Her dad dropped T.'s late aunt's dog off with a friend for a few days while the rest of us browsed stores. We didn't buy anything but snacks. I only got coffee for myself, correctly assuming the kid wouldn't finish her bagel.

When we got home, the dog still hadn't been found, so we spent some time calling, whistling, and walking and driving around the neighborhood. T. suggested I take out an ATV. I went to the big garage and found that to get it, I'd have to first figure out how to open the garage door and second move the truck that was in its way, so I changed my mind without taking 10 steps into the big garage and instead I just took the car from the small garage. (This minutiae will be important later.) No luck.

Dinner was fried rice and bok choy. Dessert was a massive piece of pecan pie.

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