Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Going to the movies

Wordle 556 4/6


Yesterday morning my parents left, concerned that the weather would be too bad for traveling if they waited any longer. The morning was mostly relaxing for us, although T. and I got a bit frustrated trying to help her dad install a new stereo. It was a Christmas present to himself. We got it set up to receive FM radio, and to send sound to the speakers he already had. We tried and failed to get it to work with the TV or DVD player, but he said he didn't mind, so we decided we shouldn't either. Around then we had leftover ravioli for a snack/lunch. I also spent a lot of time looking for pajamas I had lost. 

In the afternoon T.'s mom stayed home to relax because she has laryngitis, and the rest of us we went out to a second lunch at In 'N Out, and met the kid's friends (2 adults and 5 kids, siblings and cousins). I only ordered a shake for myself. Partly on principle to push back against the overeating of the past few weeks, partly because I strongly suspected the kid wouldn't finish hers and I'd have to. I was right. 

After that, we all went to the movies. We saw Puss in Boots: the Last Wish. It was fine as kid's movies go. Antonio Banderas presumably had fun. Not a horrible way to get out of the house and get the kid more than six feet from a screen. It may seem like cheating to count a movie as getting out of the house, but at least this was social, and a movie she wasn't familiar with. She found some parts scary, and that's an intellectual challenge, right?

Dinner was lasagna and salad. After that, around 7, the kid tried to draw a scene from the movie while the adults were sipping our wine and cleaning up, but she was disappointed in it and got frustrated. So she asked me to do it. I don't like drawing with markers so much but art with a little help/direction from her was as good a way as any to kill time until her bedtime, right? Apparently not, because I used the wrong color for the feather in Puss's hat, and that made her cry. I'm sure this was more being tired than anything else, but still, ugh. T.'s mother put her to bed. 

Right before bed I found the missing pajamas under the dresser in our room. I suspect they fell when T. stripped the bed. Whoops. Shouldn't have blamed T.'s dad for putting them with his laundry by accident.

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