Wednesday, December 28, 2022


Wordle 557 3/6


Yesterday we went shopping. It was a roughly 90-minute drive to an outlet mall in the suburbs of San Francisco. T. and her mother went shopping for general clothes with a slight focus on office/formal attire, since T. is getting ready for a new job. (Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but she hasn't been happy where she is. She has two two offers contingent on background check, and is now trying to decide between them, but either way, something should be changing soon.)

Meanwhile I kept the kid busy. We zeroed in on a Disney store, and another toy store. After browsing each of them it was a little after 11 so we were ready for a snack and went to the food court. Fruit smoothie for her, garlic bread for me, and we both read our respective books to kill time. (I left her alone in public for 5 minutes while I went to the bathroom and there was no crisis. Yay, we're growing up.) Soon, T. and her mother found us, and soon after that we were joined by a friend in the area and his elderly mother. A brief, casual reunion over fast food. But it was probably only the second time we had seen them since covid started, or maybe even the first, so it was nice. 

After that, more clothes shopping for T., more toy browsing for me and the kid, and our friends joined us as well. The kid also helped our friend's mother browse a jewelry store. Finally we bought the kid a small toy at the 2nd toy store as an informal reward for good behavior. In hindsight I wish T. and I had planned this better - had to be small to go in our luggage when we went home, and not too expensive, and not annoying to us, and something the kid would actually play with - but eventually we found something we were all OK with. 

After that, dinner at a Thai place that's a family favorite. I had duck. Both here and at lunch earlier, I was declining offers of more appetizers, a bigger shared plate, etc. I almost felt bad about it at times, and then I resented feeling bad, but I've mentioned overeating before and am trying to put a limit on it. (Maybe I should have a "food" label in addition to the others? But I certainly hope this will stop being an issue after the holidays are over.)

After we got home, it was basically the kid's bedtime. As we were getting her ready, she threw up again. It was less messy than last time - she had better aim - and she's handling it better than I do. If I throw up, I'm usually absolutely miserable for at least half an hour before and after. Still, once was unpleasant and twice is concerning, so we had her take a covid test but it came back negative, so we're just taking things easy and hoping there isn't a third time.

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