Thursday, December 01, 2022

Not too busy

Wordle 530 5/6


Drove the kid to school yesterday. That's becoming the rule and probably will be until she can bike in on her own bike.

Worked on several different little things at work. Several were due to reminders from my teammate J. Honestly it was kind of annoying. None of them were urgent and none were his responsibility so I felt like I could have let them slide longer. (Not that I'd normally defend procrastination, but this week specifically I don't feel so bad about it.) Maybe he would disagree with me about the urgency or responsibility, but I suspect that the lack of action was simply interfering with his personal filing system. Oh well. I applied for team leadership roughly two years ago now because I thought that me supervising him would be less annoying than the reverse, and this is an example of it: annoying, but not as annoying or stressful as it would be if he actually had authority over me.

In WoW, I got that boosted mage to level 68 and unlocked Adventure Mode, in that order, which unlocks a bunch of stuff for that character and alts. New system. Feels weird even though it's not entirely unlike some stuff in previous expansions. This morning I got them to 70 and it was a letdown in comparison. I plan/hope to make this the last WoW update until something really interesting happens, like Mythic+.

Getting the kid to guitar lessons was uneventful. Dinner was tortellini, her favorite, and leftovers.

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