Friday, December 02, 2022

I hate productive days

Wordle 531 4/6


Drove the kid to school yesterday. 

Work was busy. One meeting, and I had technical difficulties. For a long time I had a configuration that worked reliably and just took a little setup. Then another setup worked, with less setup - great. Now that's only working sometimes and I can't figure out why, and the previous configuration would require more setup. Maybe I should just use my phone more...

In addition to that, one apparently-minor task from a few days before became maybe-not-so-minor and confusing. And I couldn't put off any longer two different things I had planned to do Monday. I planned to go for a nice long walk around 2 - exercise, plus enjoying a sunny but cold late fall day. I didn't actually get away from my computer until after 4. Which is too bad, because while I was at the most distant point of my loop, T. called me and said she was supposed to be at the school earlier than usual for a Girl Scout thing. Whoops. I tried to plan where we could meet, but she was OK going without me. On the way home I stopped by the grocery store and got a few things we were low on, and then took a detour home from there. 

My route worked out to be about 3 miles, comparable to my old jogging route but slower. I'm glad I did it but still feel like it's the bare minimum. But what else can I do? The kid is outgrowing her bike seat and that too seemed like the bare minimum anyway. Right now there's less room for that exercise bike due to Christmas decorations. I've never jogged in weather this cold before and I still have plantar fasciitis, which I should probably do something about. As I was on my last leg of the walk yesterday, I passed someone jogging. Well, maybe I can do it. On the other hand, maybe I have problems they don't and would need to work my way up to that very carefully. Who knows.

T. and the kid got home just a few minutes after me. I got cleaned up, went to a Scout leadership committee meeting, and took the kid. She had fun playing with friends there, except for two girls basically fighting over who was friends with whom near the end, while I marginally participated in the meeting, but I don't feel like attendance was wasted. 

Bedtime for her wasn't easy. T. and I had beers (4.4 percent ABV) between dinner and going to bed. I didn't expect to sleep well, but it was actually my first completely uninterrupted night in several days. Woo hoo.

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