Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Backfilling details

Wordle 550 4/6


I don't want to complain about getting it in 4, but that third guess was just a brain fart...

Yesterday after writing that we went to a dance recital for the children of some friends of T.'s parents. Or grandchildren, I don't know. And the kid knew them from playdates last summer, so that helped keep her interest. We got home from that around 9 and had a late, light dinner before crashing.


Last night I was hungry for the first time in probably over a week. That seems like it should be important.

  • Before we left, I was cooking a lot to use up perishable stuff.
  • We pack snacks to fly, just in case there's a crisis. There wasn't. We had plenty of time for a second lunch/early dinner in the airport. Then, after we arrived, T.'s parents hadn't eaten, so we went to an In & Out for burgers for them, and the rest of us might as well have something so I had a milkshake.
  • T.'s mother is a traditional homemaker in that she likes company, likes to cook, and is good at cooking for company. If it were just big dinners it wouldn't be worth mentioning but it's also usually a big lunch and keeping cookie jars stocked, and T.'s dad likes donuts from the local store for breakfast, and if they're sitting around all day I'll have some. 
  • Yesterday and the day before we had hotel breakfasts, i.e. simple but plentiful and free. For lunch we went to restaurants. I got entrees that would be fine for me. I was also the garbage disposal when the kid was full - she rarely has much of an appetite - and helped T. finish off something she didn't like much as well.

Put it all together and even with the light dinners I've probably been eating 50 percent more than usual compared to September or October. I'm not exactly worried about this, it's exceptional circumstances, but it's a bit annoying. I feel bad about my lack of willpower or something like that.


The "main events" so to speak, over the past few days were fun. Amazing views of the California coast. Maybe I should add pictures here, for the first time ever. In addition to the marine life, we also got to see a ton of deer and at least three different coyotes at the nature preserves. I feel a tiny bit guilty making T. do so much of the planning but it worked out well overall.

Other stuff, though... The kid behaved herself fairly well. Could be worse. And T. and her mother are fine. But T.'s dad worries us a bit. He's always been a bit grouchy. He's hard of hearing by now and rarely is willing to wear his hearing aids. There's nothing specific that's concerning enough to take away the car keys or anything so far, but sometimes it seems close.


World of Warcraft check-in: my main, a warrior, non-healer for the first time ever, is level 70, ilvl 380, with a Mythic+ score of 602. Far from done for the season, if that means anything to begin with, but he's definitely my main and I'm getting to the point where I need to start doing research and thinking things through. My warlock is level 66 - decent progress on an alt I enjoy. My only regret is the goblin mage I made just because all my existing characters were unplayable on day one. Not sure if I'll ever do anything interesting with him or not.


I packed two sets of footwear: the slippers T. gave me as a present years ago and my winter boots. I rarely wear either, but space was limited due to presents and I figured I'd need the boots for outdoorsy stuff, so they made the cut and sneakers didn't. Therefore I have a problem I haven't had since covid: a heat rash on my feet. It's annoying.

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