Thursday, December 22, 2022

Normal in some respects

Wordle 551 5/6


Yesterday I logged on at 6 and more or less got to work. Coffee and breakfast down at the house. I had one meeting around 10 AM PST. After the meeting I noticed that my headset had exposed wiring in the cord connecting the two earpieces. I hadn't noticed it during the call so it was still functional, but there was a chance it wouldn't be soon. Shortly after that, T. went shopping with her mother and the kid. The main agenda item was new shoes for the kid, since she only has one pair here and it was still wet from the beach. T.'s father isn't much more social than I am, so I had time to myself like I haven't in a long time. (Well, a little over a week. But longer than usual.) WoW and some long-term stuff at work.

They finally got back around 5. In addition to shoes they had got her some more clothes, and a few things for the grownups but less than they wanted. The kid made it unpleasant. We had a quick dinner and went to a sort of holiday parade: golf carts and ATVs festooned with Christmas lights. In addition to seeing the sights and picking up some candy, the kid got to hang out with some friends she has made around here.

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