Wednesday, May 17, 2023


Wordle 697 4/6


Started the day with yoga yesterday. Exercise two, day nine. Time to move on, but I'm not trying to do exercise three first thing today because it looks complicated. 

Biking the kid to school was uneventful. The actual problems in my meetings at work weren't my fault. I resolved the issue with logging in to work on my personal computer. 

Aaaaand that's all the good stuff I can say. Those two meetings had problems, the first was a training that turned out to be irrelevant to us and the second was a meeting with a team about their documentation that they don't show up for until very late and weren't prepared when they did. We may even have inadvertently brought the issue to management attention and not in a good way because they had management in the room on speaker phone when they took the call, but hey, at least it's not my fault.

Beyond that, I just got distressingly little done. Working on my personal computer again made Warcraft a tiny bit easier but the real problem, the main problem, was simply low executive functioning. I'm not sure what but I really need to make some kind of changes. I didn't even get any exercise - biking the kid to school on the ebike is inadequate, and yoga may be good in other ways or for other things but doesn't get the heart rate up.

Swimming class for the kid was cancelled because the teacher got in a bike accident. Dinner was a stir-fry anyway, partly because we let the kid play late at school, partly because we'd have to have it at some point this week, partly because I was lazy.

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