Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Procrastination but productive anyway

Wordle 704 4/6

Went jogging first thing yesterday morning. Good for me. 2 miles in 21 minutes. I'm out of practice but anything is better than nothing. 

Got the kid to school uneventfully. 

Work was OK. I had planned to have the usual team meeting on 10 AM Tuesday and then get to a longish list of personal chores/tasks, but I had forgotten that the team meeting had been moved to 11:30, with another meeting at 11. They were both productive enough. So I put off the personal to-do list. I got at least started on all the items on it in the end. In the meantime I played Warcraft. Tuesday, right?

I got to several parts of my personal to-do list over the afternoon, and a few parts of my work to-do list, but mostly put the work list off until today. Ugh.

I met T. at the school and we went to swim class. It went well enough. 

Dinner was fried rice from a bag while we listened to a school meeting. Despite the ease of dinner, the evening was stressful. Partly because of the meeting, partly because it was late, partly because T. wanted the kid to practice her guitar, the kid was opposed, and I couldn't care less considering how busy we have been lately. The kid won.

Time to clean kitchen: 10:45. At the last minute before those two work meetings. Could have been worse but under the circumstances I feel it should have been better.

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