Thursday, May 18, 2023

On the manic side?

Wordle 698 3/6


Yesterday I felt bad about the day before, so before anyone else got up I sent two emails, closing out two to-do list items. Good for me. There are two more I wish I had closed or at least got started on after getting back from dropping off the kid, but the day was busy...

One training in the morning, more relevant than the last one but still not all that great. One meeting about a team's documentation after it, and it was adequately productive. In the early afternoon I took my bike to the shop to get serviced, as scheduled. I picked the kid and T. up early at school because the kid had a dentist's appointment. It was scary and painful, in addition to the usual checkup we got her the recommended sealant, but we got the essentials done.

After that, ice cream as a reward. Kind of contrary to the spirit of going to the dentist but who cares. Then she got to play on the nearby playground a bit. Then a little grocery shopping. Then we split up: T. to a political event, the kid and I home for half an hour or so. Then I took her to her guitar lesson. It went OK.

Dinner was tortellini and green beans.

To summarize, a good day. Maybe not in terms of calorie intake - in addition to my own ice cream I had some of the kid's when she couldn't finish, plus the usual cookie, plus a cookie T. brought back from her event - but in every other respect. Work maybe could have been more productive but was definitely better than the day before. I even got adequate exercise, according to my app, just running all those errands. "Manic" is overstating it and I shouldn't pathologize myself to that extent but the swing is notable. Was it as simple as getting an early start on some easy-to-accomplish stuff?

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