Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Paying the price of procrastination

Wordle 696 5/6


Yesterday I did the yoga first thing. Good for me. Exercise two, day eight. I got the kid to school uneventfully, even though she was short on sleep, and did a little grocery shopping. 

It was T.'s one day a week at home, so I had company. And I had put off a number of tasks from last week, including actually resolving a problem with accessing my work network on my personal computer, so with someone else sharing the table with me I did it all on my work computer. Good for me for reducing procrastination. I finished one task and got meaningful starts on others. I even had a meeting not originally planned, because I realized at the last minute that tomorrow wouldn't work, and it was productive. My main form of procrastination was Unfogged, which is social and therapeutic, i.e. probably better for me than games. I even got stuff done with/for the parents group of the kid's school online.

I didn't, however, fix the issue with my personal computer, so I'll be at least starting tomorrow with two computers going... oh well.

In the early after noon I biked to the physical therapy office to get the sunglasses I had left there Friday. I was relieved they had them; a phone call this morning was concerning, but they were easy to find once I looked. On the way home, a little more shopping.

Getting the kid was uneventful. We let her play with friends near the school a little longer than usual. On the way home, a stop by a friend's house to drop off cards and flowers because they just had a baby.

Dinner was beef tips and salad. Easy and fast.

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