Monday, May 08, 2023

Coming home

Wordle 688 6/6


Yesterday I got up in time to see the dawn, or close enough. The kid had expressed interest at one point but couldn't be budged when the time came. Her loss.

We broke camp as soon as we could. The kid was invited to a birthday party. We would have had to leave by 7 to get there at the start of the party and that obviously didn't happen. We actually got there at around 1 PM, but most of the party was still there, so she got to play with friends for over an hour. Cool.

We went home before too much longer, exhausted. We got cleaned up and unpacked. Dinner was tortellini and a new carrot salad recipe. It was OK. 

Camping thoughts

I'm enjoying camping more than I thought I would 5+ years ago. It's a family activity with enforced screenlessness, which is a struggle sometimes. It's also a challenge I can see myself improving at over time, which always feels good. It's literally an inventory management puzzle. We've been camping about five or so times, and every time the list of things we wish we had brought gets shorter and less important. The list from this trip: 

  • The kid's sleeping bag, as already stated. Boneheaded but doesn't matter that much, because, after all, we're all in the same tent, we could have all been in the same sleeping bag if needed.
  • A book for myself. My only entertainment was my phone, and the battery was limited.
  • Outdoor entertainment. We brought books for the kid, and coloring/activity books live in the car, but something outdoorsy or physical would have been good. There was the playground but we couldn't spend all day there and she could happily collect seashells or play on the beach all day but that gets annoying to us. She wants us to carry the shells, and her clothes always get wet, more on that next.
  • For a few minutes we thought we hadn't packed a spare outfit for the kid, but on further investigation it turned out we had, but she wore it to school Friday morning. So... pack two outfits for her? Or just communicate better and make sure she understands what the extra is for? 
  • Not sure whether to count food stuff. We planned to borrow that stove from our friend before going, so we knew it would be there, but it wasn't ours, but we had a backup plan if it didn't work. We planned to eat out both nights - not exactly roughing it. We had breakfasts and plenty of snacks. 

But that's it. Other than those things we could have lived out of our car, and gone on several-mile day hikes if that had been the plan.

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