Thursday, May 25, 2023

Making up for the day before

Wordle 705 4/6


Didn't go jogging yesterday, partly because I was busy, partly because I was still sore from the day before. The day before wasn't much but it was still a lot more than I had done in months. Fitness is a never-ending battle.

Like I said, I was busy. In addition to one task I hadn't got around to for several days, and almost all the follow-ups from the meeting yesterday, I also had two meetings yesterday morning, one of which had a bunch of follow-ups itself, and I got to them all yesterday or at least got them all started. Good for me. I played a little Warcraft, but managed to resist anything too absorbing or time-consuming. I also did a little non-standard, smelly cleaning in the kitchen.

In the late afternoon, just when I was thinking I really had to get going if I wanted to go grocery shopping so we'd have something for dinner, I got a text. The neighbor was having an ice cream cake delivered and of course had to get it inside right away. But I had to go shopping for dinner for us at some point, and it would be miserable to do it by car during rush hour... ugh. It worked out, I had 10+ minutes to spare before the package actually came, but I dithered and then walked faster than I would have otherwise and probably bought less.

After that, a little more work, and then I met T. and we both got the kid to her music lesson. It went fine.

When we got home, we suggested the kid play with a friend, but she said she wanted to read. Fine, she doesn't have to be social. But I soon discovered her iPad out and a YouTube video cued up about differences between Harry Potter books and movies. I don't like how she's cheating on reading the books, so to speak, and I really don't like the dishonesty, so we took the iPad away and finally got around to setting up parental controls later that day. But I relented (or just figured that that was adequate punishment and didn't want to deal with her whining) and took her to the park while part of dinner was in the oven.

Dinner was pork chops and cauliflower.

Time to clean kitchen: noon. Not procrastination, all work or close enough.

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