Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Boring Monday

Wordle 682 4/6


Started the day yesterday with yoga. Exercise 2, day 2. Biked the kid to school uneventfully. I'm experimenting a bit with the ebike and how the battery and motor work. Testing their limits, but the bike certainly is a workout when I don't use them at all. The best of both worlds? Don't know why T. isn't more enthusiastic about it. (Well, she's told me why she doesn't want to, she's still leery after her accident, it was longer ago than any I've had but also more severe, but I hope she gets back in the saddle eventually...)

Work was uneventful. I didn't get too much done. I have hopes about today, though. I did an adequate amount of my PT in bits and pieces throughout the day.

I got the kid alone because T. had a meeting. I was surprised to learn that guitar lessons conflicted with the martial arts class she signed up for in the extended school day program, so that's a scheduling hassle we'll have to figure out, but it went well otherwise. The kid was grumpy, both because of missing martial arts and because of some drama with her friends I interrupted.

The kid played with her friend from across the street in the afternoon as T.'s meetings continued. Dinner was pork chops and a salad.

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