Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Shopping and unplanned socializing in the rain

Wordle 710 5/6


Scrambled eggs and home fries for brunch yesterday. 

In the mid-morning we walked out for a few errands. Before we got off the block we ran into a friend of the kid's, and the kid asked if she wanted to come and she agreed, so she had company for this. First we split up, T. went to the CVS on H St., and I took the kids to a playground. Coincidentally we ran into another friend from school there, so I chatted with the mom while the three of them played together, more or less. 

T. joined us around when the third girl had to go. Then the four of us went to REI. I got new sandals. T. got shoes and browsed lots of stuff on sale but eventually was persuaded we didn't need it. The kids hid from and spied on us.

On the way home it rained. After we all got showered and changed and the kid cleaned her room and had a nice long guitar practice, that friend came over again. 

Dinner was pasta and broccoli. Easy enough. 

Depressed and kind of tired last night and this morning. I'm glad we didn't schedule anything in particular this weekend, but we still kept more than busy enough. I'm also overdue for exercise. A bit sore since Saturday, trying to play it safe, in addition to the plantar fasciitis my knee is acting up, and I'm getting frustrated with it all. It didn't help that I got up around 5 and I'm not sure I actually got back to sleep. Mild to moderate sleep issues are so common as to not be worth trying to track. 

Finally, this morning the kid complained that we missed an event over the weekend for the martial arts class she just started. Not only did we have little idea just how important this is for her, did she not notice we were busy? Did she forget what we were doing instead? Fuck, it's never enough! I'm exaggerating here, I'm not mad at her for being mad at me, but I am explaining why an unstructured three-day weekend wasn't particularly relaxing.

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