Friday, May 12, 2023

Out of juice in every sense

Wordle 692 5/6


Yesterday I started the day with yoga (exercise two, day six) and got the kid to school uneventfully. "Uneventfully" often includes some drama in the morning getting her out of bed and ready on time, but nothing on the level of a tantrum and nothing dangerous on the road. On the way home I stopped by Trader Joe's really quickly for OJ and some other groceries. Just in case I was unsure, Florida Ave. still is terrible. 

Work was OK. One meeting I took notes at, a second meeting cancelled when the people we were meeting with didn't show up. 

I got the essentials done, there and in terms of personal chores, but I wish I had got them done earlier, or got to more of the "optional bonus" stuff. And I'm not even getting absorbed in the new competitive WoW stuff, I'm just dicking around with casual play or not-Warcraft-related-at-all stuff. Low executive functioning. But for what it's worth, in addition to all the problems here continuing and more work related to the renovation, I haven't been sleeping well lately. It's not T. snoring, or not just her snoring; we're at that awkward time of year when it's hard to tell how many blankets is too many and I'm just a light sleeper in general.

Once again, writing this out helps me realize that I need to go back on medication for ADHD or depression, two actual conditions I have been diagnosed with, or make lifestyle changes, or hunker down and prepare for just barely getting by between now and the summer when our schedule loosens up a bit, but mainly go easy on myself because no shit of course it would be hard to focus like this. 

Anyways, one of those "optional bonus" things I got around to was walking to the store for light bulbs and shampoo. I got home at the same time as T. We were in no hurry because she had gone home from school with a friend for a playdate instead of us. I figured I'd put the leisure time to good use and start prepping dinner, but around 6 a blackout put a wrench in my plans. Shit! Can't cook in the dark! (Well, we have a gas stove so we could if we really had to, but it's not ideal.) So instead we got pizza.

We got the kid around 7:45 and the lights came back on right after we got home. Perfect timing. So she had a shower and got to bed late and T. and I got to bed early.

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