Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Warcraft patch day

Wordle 683 4/6


Yoga exercise two, day three.

Yesterday morning the kid was grumpy and made getting ready for school difficult. I thought she might have been worried about whatever that talk with her friend was the afternoon before, or mad at me for interrupting it, but she said she was just tired. Well, let's get to bed earlier then!

Biking her to school was uneventful. 

Work was fine. One meeting, fast. I got one document to the subject matter expert. On another one I didn't quite get it ready for that but I put significant time into it and really think I can get it back to them today. Can't ask for too much more than that. I also made some progress on a minor personal project.

I can't take too much credit for that, though, because Blizzard was releasing a patch for Warcraft, so the game was down for most of the day. I was only able to log on and do some basic intro stuff on two characters before I had to go.

I got the kid and T. at school and we drove to swim class. It was fine. After that, dinner at the nearby Chipotle, because of a fundraiser for the kid's school. It was OK. Unfortunately the kid was too busy playing with friends to eat there, so she begged to eat after we got home. We didn't get to bed early despite needing to go in early today. Uh oh.

Last night I logged on in Warcraft and was surprised to be invited to a raid by my guild. I rarely do anything with them, but I figured, why not? We breezed through the raid at breakneck speed, much faster than any pickup group. That one boss I've been stuck on? We got her in three tries. Maybe I should make time for guild raids after all.

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