Friday, May 26, 2023

Work and parenting and bike practice

Wordle 706 4/6


Yesterday I went jogging first thing. Basically the same as Tuesday but slightly hillier. Good for me. And I want to work in some pun or something about how the day was all downhill from there...

The kid was sick. Headache, sore throat, stuff like that. Nothing concerning but couldn't send her to school. (I just realized, we never even gave her a covid test. Things really are back to normal! We should this morning just in case they ask to see it, though.) I work from home, so I tried to have as normal a day as possible.

I probably should have taken the day off on principle. I figured I didn't have too many meetings or immediate deadlines and I don't get too much paid leave, I could just monitor things and it would probably be OK. But among other problems with that, I don't have immediate deadlines but I do have some fairly soon. (A nonstandard document due today, which won't be hard but still involved some emails and minor edits yesterday, and a report on the documentation update effort due Tuesday or today, which requires both work to put together and thought about how to put together to begin with. Plus some follow-ups on stuff earlier in the week with no definite deadline but doing it any later would have been conspicuous.) Doing that with an antsy kid around was hard.

In the morning it was OK. I had a morning meeting and she entertained herself fine. She got in her TV time and hit her iPad time limit then. In the later morning we did a project from a science kit she had. It was fun but messy, of course. 

I didn't want to take her to the park near our house because of the nearby school, so instead I took her to the park a little farther away. I asked her if she wanted to bike there and she agreed. It didn't go well. Her biking is still a painstaking process requiring a lot of help from me. This wasn't the very first attempt since the lesson, but was definitely the longest and most serious, and she hasn't magically improved in the meantime. She had fun at the actual park, but not getting there or back.

T. got home about half an hour after we did. Both the girls took separate naps in the afternoon. In hindsight, maybe the kid's grumpiness while biking was partly because she actually was sick, I don't know. I considered doing the same, but couldn't relax. I cooked something simpler than originally planned, an improvised stir-fry, but we had to eat something and I didn't want takeout. 

I put the kid to bed. She was asleep by 8:45 or so. I was asleep by 9:15.

Time to clean kitchen: 11ish. Good for fucking me.

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