Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Constant vigilance

Wordle 711 3/6


Got the kid to school uneventfully. 

The title of the post is a quote from a book the kid is reading these days, and is apparently what it takes for me to be productive. I got to the bare minimum of my to-do list at work, i.e. two sort of urgent items, or three depending how you count them. Plus attending four meetings, two of which required actual thought and interaction. What I didn't get to was at least four less urgent items on my work to-do list plus three personal tasks.

I got the kid and T. at school on time for swim class. While they were in there, I went for a walk, mostly just to get some kind of exercise for the day. In the process I explored the school's other campus. I hadn't realized until yesterday just how close it was to the swimming pool where we have lessons.

Dinner was a stir-fry, finishing off leftovers from the Thai place, a mixed vegetables bag we bought at Costco and didn't like much, and the chicken from Saturday. How resourceful of us.

In the evening I did my physical therapy, maybe not totally, but more thoroughly than I've done at home in weeks. I was motivated mostly by how I really, really need to resume some kind of exercise.

Time to clean kitchen: 10:20. On the one hand, that's roughly as early as possible; on the other hand, that was the last minute before over an hour of meetings. I'm close to stopping tracking this.

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