Thursday, March 16, 2023

Artistic growth

Wordle 635 3/6


Yesterday the kid was grumpy from the minute she got up. Something as simple as brushing her hair had her snarling at us and we had to rush through getting ready for school. Dropping her off was uneventful, though.

Work was fine. One impromptu meeting in the morning to get ready for an upcoming meeting and my boss's vacation. After that I finally got started on an SOP that's been on my to-do list for almost a month. As soon as I did, I felt justified in putting it off. It's a mess. The document was mine when it was originally written, about five years ago, and has had updates to the content from the subject matter expert but hasn't been touched by a technical writer since then. If I wanted to be pretentious I might say something about how an artist is never satisfied by their old work. (I am a perfectionist sometimes!) Realistically, though, I've grown in my craft a bit since then, not that I was a child only five years ago, and there's a lot of nonstandard stuff in this document that I didn't push back on (or simply try to find an alternative to) hard enough then but I think I would now.

T. got the kid from school without me because she was helping out at a book fair. Meanwhile I went for a walk, roughly the old jogging route. When I came home I made dinner: lasagna (straight from Costco to the freezer to the oven) and green beans (with pine nuts, which I haven't used in a while and want to think about more). I did my physical therapy thoroughly while cooking.

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