Saturday, March 11, 2023

Good for me, or even good for us

Wordle 630 4/6


Yesterday morning, before doing anything else at all, I went for a walk. (Normally I go downstairs in my pajamas but yesterday I brought clothes to the bathroom with me and got dressed there.) 2 miles, 35 minutes. I haven't found the time or motivation for a decent walk on several recent days, but I correctly figured that there always would be time to do it first thing. Good for me. Bad compared to jogging but I never tried jogging first thing in the morning on a workday like this (and I'm still dealing with foot pain).

The kid's parent-teacher conference was in the morning. It was unusual in that it was student-led. The kid did most of the talking. Interesting idea, and she did well. It was one of the most academic things I've seen her do, not just arts and crafts but reading and reciting something about academic performance. After that we dropped her off at art camp and went back home to work.

Work was fine. A meeting was cancelled because the people we needed didn't show up. I was disappointed but not surprised, considering who it is in general and what they're up to personally these days. Personally I was productive. I had 5 items on my to-do list and got through 3 of them, even though one took a lot longer than planned because in the process I found something weird about how SharePoint was set up. I had the pleasure of seeing my teammate J. speechless, so to speak. This was something we had differed in our understanding of over a year ago, and I let it go just because I wasn't totally confident and he could filibuster endlessly, and recent events proved me right. It was fun. 

We got the kid a bit early and supervised her and a friend while the friend's sister had her parent/teacher conference. Then both families went to an early dinner at the Big Bear Café. It was fun, I guess. The kids and T. had fun socializing, and I can think of worse ways to do so, but the kids were worse behaved than usual, so I was spending most of my time keeping them from fighting with each other or bothering other people nearby.

Then gymnastics. I double-checked and there's no shopping we needed to do, given our plans, so we just relaxed during the class. We got to see a bit of a presentation of their skills at the end. That was also fun. 

The kid had a hard time going to sleep. I didn't go to bed straight after her, but not too much later.

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