Saturday, March 18, 2023

Busy St. Patricks Day Friday - Ugh

Wordle 637 5/6


Lexie helped me get it. Yay.

Got the kid to school yesterday uneventfully. 

It was the day for the biweekly report at work, and it went like usual. Maybe a bit worse than usual based on when the last one came in, but there were no problems with the content or miscommunications about whether something was ready for us, it was just the usual suspect. During and after working on that I worked on that document from years ago I finally got around to Wednesday. I finished getting it all in our template. I started my actual work on it, correcting errors and clarifying ambiguity and stuff, but didn't finish, and didn't even get close enough to send my questions to the subject matter expert. Let's hope I can do it Monday. One day over a self-imposed deadline isn't too bad, right? Let's hope I'm not too busy with other things then, because I also have a meeting or two and am getting close to the deadline on a training. Ugh.

We got the kid a bit early for a parents' happy hour. This time there were movies for the kids so it was less rowdy. We didn't actually socialize too much because we were hungry and happened to sit with the kids instead of most of the parents, but it was still nice. 

After that, gymnastics. We planned to go to the grocery store but decided we didn't need to. Yay, a little time and hassle saved.

While in gymnastics another parent mentioned to us a new pizza place nearby that they liked and we figured we'd try it. We did. It was a long wait, and we took it home instead of eating there, so we didn't start eating until almost 8. I did about half my physical therapy during and after dinner. The kid had to shower after that so she got to stay up late.

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