Thursday, March 09, 2023

The real value of human contact is discerning how angry people are

Wordle 628 5/6


Dropped the kid off uneventfully. 

Work was OK. Zero meetings. There was a bit of a headache in the morning. A small but urgent task came in and assigning it among the three of us was a bigger problem than usual. In absence of any other clue, like the task being a revision of a document one of us worked on before, a new task would simply be assigned based on whose had gone the longest without a new task. i.e. whose turn it was. But there was disagreement over that, over what counted. J. was right, but he always has to be right, and S. demurred just a tiny bit passive-aggressively, so he insisted she take it, but it was his turn, so we took her at his word and I insisted on him taking it. Then, after that, our team lead had a gentle reminder/request for me to handle things differently as well. 

It made me wish we were doing this in person because a conversation over Teams chat makes it hard to tell if people are mad or stressed or just joking without the nuances of face-to-face communication. Not a realistic urge to go to the office because it would only help if they were there too, just annoying. 

Played WoW with my free time, of course. Incremental progress on my main.

In the afternoon at the last minute before getting the kid I went for a walk. I got shaving cream, which I forgot about or just didn't think of at the previous trip to the store, and took a roundabout route home to get a little more exercise. Didn't hit the goal for the day but was closer than I would have been otherwise.

When we got the kid, she almost cried when she saw me because she had seen her old babysitter taking care of another kid and thought she was getting her. The kid was so sad it was almost not funny. Fortunately she was able to play with her old babysitter and some friends for a bit.

Dinner was tilapia and glazed carrots. Easy enough. I did my physical therapy after dinner.

Stayed up a bit later than I should and didn't sleep well.

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