Monday, March 06, 2023

Lots of socializing

Wordle 625 5/6


We had the usual Sunday brunch yesterday, eggs and home fries, but later than usual because we had a guest for brunch, a friend of T.'s with a toddler. It was good company. After brunch the ladies took the kids to the park. I cleaned up (and played) a bit, and then joined them. When T.'s friend had to put her toddler down for a nap, we were going to go home and not do anything much, but on the way back we encountered I., the kid's friend from across the street. 

I dragged the kid home with me for a just a little cleaning and laundry-folding and then I took her back to the park to play with her friend. Meanwhile I walked laps in the park, rather than sitting and playing with my phone, standing and playing with my phone, or socializing with other parents. (As for avoiding the first two, good for me. As for the third, eh, it's optional, and it's not like I ever knew anyone I saw there all that well.) 

We had a little more downtime around 2. Around 3 we took the kid and I. to a skating rink. They had fun but the kid got hurt a lot. She's a better skater than me, after her winter break, but not better than her friend, and her friend was going too fast for her. 

The kid's friend stayed for dinner. It was air fryer chicken and a cucumber salad. Not as adventurous as I had planned, but also not as much work, and kid-friendly. 

Also, rather than reproducing it here or let it vanish into the ether entirely, I'll link to this Unfogged comment in a discussion about food issues.

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