Friday, March 10, 2023

Getting out of a rut?

Wordle 629 5/6


Yesterday morning was lazy. The kid has a four-day weekend for parent-teacher conferences, so she's in an "art camp", and it starts later than school, so we could be more relaxed about leaving the house. But it was a pain when we finally did. 

T. mentioned that she had some errands to run and for a brief moment I looked forward to a couple hours of solitude and relaxation. But it's hard to park where she's going and she would be in too much of a hurry to take public transportation due to meetings later in the morning, so she asked if I could drive her, and I couldn't come up with an honest excuse not to. So I drove. Traffic and the unfamiliar route weren't as bad as I feared but still weren't great. 

Work was OK. Three meetings scheduled, but one was cancelled by someone else before we left the house, and the second was my own team's meeting, originally scheduled for Tuesday, moved to yesterday instead of the day before by mistake. Mystery solved. The third wasn't a complete waste but wasn't as productive as we might have hoped. It was another review of a team's documentation. We got 20 or so assigned to be retired or updated by certain SMEs, which is progress. By this point we hoped to have all of this team's documents assigned, i.e. over 100. Heh.

I prepped the back bedroom - cleaned and reset the router extender in hopes that would resolve problems we've been having back there - and used it for that meeting and a couple more hours of work. It was OK. Oddly, work seemed normal, but Warcraft seemed to have a bad connection up there. Maybe I should have taken it as a sign, because I wasn't too productive in either work or WoW. The last thing I did before logging off was organizing a to-do list for today. It was fairly long.

I drove to get the kid alone because a co-worker of T.'s was coming to our house to pick something up. The kid had been at a friend's after the art camp playing and resented me cutting it short, but wasn't too badly behaved. 

I stayed up later than planned. Playing WoW, of course, and it wasn't going well, of course. I was on my warrior main in a pickup raid, we couldn't down one of the two bosses I needed, and I wasn't pulling my weight in either of the two roles. I can't be sure why exactly at this point but the problem is no longer just finding a group.

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