Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Sick day for the kid

Wordle 633 4/6


I didn't go for a walk first thing yesterday because thanks to Daylight Savings Time it's now dark when I get up again. So it'll probably be a while before I can start that style of exercise again.

When the kid got up, she complained about feeling sick still. I never actually took her temperature but it sounded credible based on how she was acting and what the weekend was like. So T. walked to work and I supervised a sick kid while working from home. (Don't tell my supervisor.) In theory this is ethically dubious or practically risky, but the kid was indeed well-behaved, and it's not a debilitating illness, just a fever for a few days.

It was fine. I had three meetings and she was well-behaved during all of them. I was only listening in on the first meeting anyway, and the third was brief, so I really only had an active role in the second. While I did that and some other work-related stuff, the kid mostly read in her room, redecorated her nook under the bed, and played with stuffed animals or something. I also folded the laundry and did the dishes, and coordinated with T. by email and text about shopping and planning for the next few days.

Around 3 she got a bit antsy and I took her to the park. A little after that, guitar lesson. It went well. After that, to the park again, in hopes that tiring her out after spending the day sitting around. It partially worked but when running away from a kid with a Nerf gun she jumped down the stairs too far and strained(?) her ankle, and was limping the rest of the day. Ugh.

Dinner was a pork roast and a salad. As has become usual, did my physical therapy while cooking and during and after dinner. I didn't get a walk in, but I did play with the kid on the jungle gym more than I normally might. The kid fought bedtime worse than ever, probably a combination of DST and having a very lazy day.

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