Sunday, March 12, 2023

More relaxing than expected, less than hoped

 Wordle 631 5/6


Yesterday morning I once again went for a walk first thing in the morning. Good for me.

When the kid got up, she complained about a fever and chills. I tried not to be too happy about it as we cancelled our plans for lunch with friends - not that I didn't want to see them, but we had a busy day planned - and the kid took it easy in her room. I think she's both getting mature enough to realize that relaxing actually helps when she's sick, and wanted to be on her best behavior so we didn't cancel any other plans. She also got out an embroidery kit I hadn't known about. Apparently it was a gift from a friend of T.'s parents. Interesting. Meanwhile T. and I did the laundry, T. sorted out some tax info for the accountant, and I emailed my sister to help plan their upcoming visit. 

Around 3, a friend of hers came over. She was feeling well enough that we didn't cancel this. We visited with her mother for a bit, and then her mother left and we kept the friend for a sleepover.

Dinner was from Indigo. I walked to get it. When I got back, there were tears, because I had forgot to order mango lassis. In the end we quieted them with a promise to get them after eating, because dinner would get cold otherwise.

We watched Galaxy Quest with the girls. I think it might have been too mature for them - not violent or anything, but metafictional. The kid's friend kept asking if what we were seeing was real, and it was hard to explain, "It's a movie, but in the movie X is a human, and Y is an alien dressed as a human..."

I didn't do my physical therapy yesterday afternoon. I didn't plan to skip it but the usual after-dinner session didn't work out. So I did at least some of it this morning while writing this.

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