Sunday, March 19, 2023

It should have been fun

Wordle 638 4/6


Yesterday morning I thought about going for a walk, but it was still dark when I first got up (damn Daylight Savings Time), so I got sucked into WoW, and by the time I finished a dungeon it was too late for a walk before breakfast. Ugh. Breakfast was very simple, just cereal, because we had lunch plans. I am proud of the fact that we got a load of laundry done in the morning, at least. 

The lunch plans were lunch at a brewery in Silver Spring with four friends. It was fun, I guess. We haven't seen them in months, probably not since this party and we couldn't really catch up or relax too much then, and I've known them for a long time. I screwed up T.'s order twice, though. Ordered the wrong lunch, although she said it was fine when we got it, and meant to order a beer for her later but forgot to actually hit the final "order" button on my phone until she reminded me 10+ minutes later. While the grownups chatted, the kid found a deck of cards (it's the sort of brewery with games) and did a card trick for everyone, and then read, and then played games on her mom's phone.

We spent roughly three hours there. Then we drove almost an hour to the birthday party of a friend of the kid's, out at a roller skating rink and arcade in Manassas. I drove. I had problems staying awake during it. I'm sure the beer didn't help but being up late the night before didn't either. Before going in there, I went to a pharmacy around the corner to get a birthday card since we had forgot to grab one. While doing that I indulged and got one of those Reese's peanut butter cup variants and got it. (Chocolate and peanut butter is my favorite combination in general, and I had never tried one of their extra-thick ones before!) The birthday party went well enough. I put skates on and tried a bit, although I couldn't keep up with the kid or even T. Roller skating actually seems harder than ice skating, or at least, my meager experience didn't transfer as well as I thought it would. T. chatted with other parents a lot more than I did. Still, for an hour or two, I was having fun as well and enjoying the minor physicality. Good for me. 

We stayed there about half an hour later than planned, until about 6:30. The kid had fun and did basically everything there. Then I thought we'd go home, but T. suggested going to the nearby Target for a new mattress cover, and I didn't argue, and for some reason we walked through the whole store. We found two more things we needed and had to drag the kid away on the verge of tears from two or three things she wanted. We got a snack for the kid at the Starbucks in the Target, chips and a strawberry drink, which basically turned out to be her dinner. Then, after that, T. went to the Uniqlo next door. The kid and I joined her briefly but soon went out to the car and relaxed. 

We got home around 8:30, well after the kid's bedtime. She couldn't get to sleep until around 9:30. We went to bed right after that. 

What didn't happen

I didn't do any physical therapy yesterday. Didn't make time for it in the morning, and by bedtime I was too tired.

I also ate a lot less than usual. What I ate wasn't particularly healthy, but there wasn't too much of it. Typical lunch out or even smaller than typical, that one Reese's cup, and at the party only about half the kid's cupcake, and one chicken wing. Good for me for just saying no to junk food. Now I just need to continue that indefinitely if I want to keep weight off. Yay.

Fuck it all

I shouldn't read too much into my mood under the obviously bad circumstances, but yesterday when thinking things through I summarized it as I'm trying as hard as I can but it's not enough. My Warcraft progress has stalled. At work I'm behind on that old document getting revised, behind on several trainings (did one last week, have to do four more soon, maybe VERY soon), and we as a team aren't making progress nearly as fast as we had hoped about our documentation updates (although in fairness we are making progress). I've been better about my physical therapy than I ever have about things like this in the past, I think, despite yesterday, but I still have plantar fasciitis, and I've noticed a pain in my hip when I put my pants on, of all things. It's like I've aged 20 years in the past 3! 

At the same time, I feel like I can't complain about my problems because everyone else has it worse. My kid is aggravating sometimes but somehow some friends of mine manage with three or four. One of those friends we met with today just recovered from covid and is planning open-heart surgery (not related). Another friend I'm overdue to see works 12-hour days. Then there's the newborn with complications. I'd feel like an asshole unburdening myself to any of them.

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