Sunday, July 30, 2023

Gettysburg, music, and generally out and about

Wordle 771 5/6


Yesterday morning I went jogging. Good run. 

In the morning we had the usual Saturday pancakes and bacon. I walked to the farmer's market and got some essentials while T. got cleaned up. We did some laundry and packed, and left for the weekend trip a little after noon. 

We drove to Gettysburg and stopped about halfway there for lunch at a brewery. After that, on to Gettysburg. A little browsing downtown and some minor history stuff. Generally lazy. Lunch was late and big enough that we didn't feel the need for any dinner besides refreshments at the show. The show: Iron and Wine. It was good. Got to bed late last night but got enough sleep anyway. That's rare.

This morning, brunch at a diner. It was crowded when we got there and even more crowded when we left. Then a little shopping in Gettysburg, including at the mandatory comic book shop. Then a walk through the cemetery. 

On the way home, a late lunch at a brewery in Gaithersburg if I remember correctly. Then Costco for gas and a short but bulky shopping list. After that, Aldi's for a few more things we didn't want to get at Costco. Finally home a little after 5:30. A leisurely trip.

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