Thursday, July 20, 2023


Wordle 761 4/6


I worked a couple hours first thing in the morning. Then all four of us - me, T., T.'s mother, and the kid - drove to the kid's annual checkup. It was fine. She's healthy. Afterwards I went to the library and the ladies had a quick breakfast. Then the three of them went to a doctor's appointment for T. and then did a little grocery shopping while I took the bus home and got some work done.

They got back around 2. The afternoon was hectic for a while because I still had to work to get done and T. had a meeting and the kid was around. If we merely wanted to get stuff done undisturbed, she could have watched TV, but that would have been too loud for T.'s meeting. Eventually I emailed out my progress on a certain task and took her to the park. It was hot, so she wanted to play in the fountains. Nice to have that sort of thing there.

A little after 3, we all got in the car and drove to see our friend with the newborn for the first time since the baby was born. Cute kid. Tired and depressed mom, of course, since there's nothing like a sleep schedule yet.

Then we drove to the northern corner of DC for a swim team tryout for the kid. It got off to a rough start, I think part of the problem was that she was the very first kid to go, but once she got into the swing of things it went fine. I'm not sure she'll be selected, apparently there are both minimum qualifications and a lottery, but I'm proud of how it went.

After that, dinner at Granville Moore's. T.'s mother likes mussels. Once again we had a ton of food.

Didn't sleep well last night. Up off and on from 1 AM to 6 AM, and the night before wasn't great either. Not sure if T.'s snoring is worse or I'm sleeping more lightly, and either way, not sure if there's any particular cause.

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