Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Lazy at work, walking to PT, messy evening

Wordle 759 4/6


Not productive at work yesterday. Not sure if there's any particular reason for it besides the fact that my workload, despite its size, doesn't have imminent deadlines. (Warcraft was fun but that's not a good reason... some stuff at work is intimidating and I'm not surprised if I'd want to avoid it, but I don't think that's relevant...) I paid attention in two meetings but that was about it.

In the afternoon I walked to physical therapy. The walk by itself is a decent distance, once I get there I proceed to get a workout, and of course it's hot. I was tired and sweaty before I got back. Got ice cream on the way.

In the afternoon I goofed off a bit more, but eventually I realized that tomorrow is the deadline to finish my comic book sorting. I got the "keep" stuff fully sorted from the "cull" stuff. I may play around a bit more with short boxes and long boxes and labels and issues I'm on the fence about, but I feel like I got the important stuff done. Yay.

Dinner was chicken, corn, and some leftover salad. It was late, both because I was working on the comic stuff until 6ish and because while I was cooking T. spilled something and the cleanup was an emergency that took me away from cooking for a bit.

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