Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Work is bad for my self-esteem

Wordle 753 4/6


Work yesterday was OK by some metrics (number of meetings attended, percent of time in them spent productively, number of to-do list items completed), but felt miserable. Two different discussions between me and my teammate J. dwelt on mistakes I had made, one roughly a year ago, the other yesterday. They were individually minor but that sort of thing is never fun, and it's common enough that I was wondering about the pattern. Is the problem me, or J. and how detail-oriented he is, or are our processes full of too many finicky pointless details? 

And then there were some weird glitches and technical errors, nothing concretely harmful but just weird and annoying enough to be stressful. J. losing access to a chat for no apparent reason, a formatting error we know we've fixed in a regular report reasserting itself... ugh. Around noon I felt like I had to get up and about so I went to the hardware store for more Drano (we've had toilet problems) and a few other things. 

Over the course of the day I wrote several paragraphs preparing for a meeting with my manager to ask for advice about the pattern of errors, but putting it in writing forced me to admit that the problem wasn't J. I'm still not sure if there's anything worth changing in our processes or I just need to be more competent. 

I logged off at the last minute before T. got back, did the essentials of housework, and made a simple, boring dinner: spaghetti and salad from a bag. Oh well.

In the evening we went to The Last Improv, a show at the Kennedy Center. We forgot to bring our reusable cups and therefore got no drinks. Just what I needed: sobriety. Ugh. The warmup standup comedy act was annoying but the show itself was funny. 

The weather was unusually mild during the day yesterday and last night, so much so that we left windows open overnight for the first time in weeks. A little fresh air may be good in several ways.

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