Saturday, July 01, 2023

Stir-crazy Friday

Wordle 742 5/6


Yesterday was all over the place. Recounting it mostly asynchronously.

Work: had one productive meeting, got one document done, made tangible progress on another and presumably it'll be done as soon as the approver gets back from vacation, and started on another document. When I put it like that it sounds good. But that doesn't represent very much time actually working at all, and I still have a lot hanging over my head. I feel a little bad about that and would feel a lot worse if not for the general circumstances (a Friday, when I feel like I can, should, and need to relax).

Personal stuff: nothing. Thought about running errands but didn't get around to it. In the afternoon the architect emailed us something annoying, and right before bed T. responded to it in a way that was confusing to me, but then I was tired. Dinner was macaroni and cheese with fried cauliflower on the side. The macaroni came out OK but definitely could have been better. We had talked about going to the movies after that and seeing the new Indiana Jones movie, but when it was time to go we were only half done with our cocktails, so instead we just stayed in and watched stuff on HBO: the oddly named Book Club and the first episode of season two of Slow Horses

Exercise: I didn't go jogging, partly because I did the day before and wanted to pace myself and partly because the air quality is still bad, but I wanted to do something, so I looked up a simple calisthenics routine, put on some exercise music, and cycled through it for about 20 minutes. I didn't get bored before I got sore, which was something I worried about. All other exercises on that page require equipment I don't have and don't want, so jogging will probably remain the main method, and I wish I had prepared better because it was annoying to use my phone as a timer and as a reminder of what's next in the sequence. All that being said, it's nice to have some kind of a plan for days I can't jog. My phone didn't register the calisthenics as steps, so it thinks yesterday was my most slothful day in a while.

Warcraft: during the day I mostly worked on profession stuff - current professions for gold, old professions to collect appearances, i.e. make my characters look cooler. I tried competitive content on my main and it didn't go well, one group after another falling apart. It has been similar on my second-best character recently. PUG raids suck. (I tried an easy but still rewarding Mythic+ dungeon my third-best character yesterday almost in despair before logging off and it went great. I'm nowhere near changing characters, but it's annoying how big the gap is there.)

Sleep: I woke up twice, but not due to snoring. No, due to foot cramps, of all things. What's wrong with me?

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