Saturday, July 15, 2023

Getting around to things

Wordle 756 3/6


Yesterday was, in a word, responsible. 

I went jogging first thing. The medium route, I didn't feel up for the full route, but anything is better than nothing. 

At work I was merely average in terms of productive time but that still means I got two documents updated in the library, the last follow-ups that were my responsibility from the meeting with this team a month ago. I don't feel bad that it took me so long to do it because there has been so much else going on, but I'm still glad I got it done before the next meeting with them, on Tuesday.

In Warcraft I did the new "megadungeon" that came out Tuesday. Not that I had been putting it off all that long, but I hadn't found the time to do the new thing yet. It was fun. I also got boots that will complete the class set on Tuesday, not that this is a matter of "getting around to" it so much as "getting lucky", but it's still one more thing I can cross off my list. I've completed everything seasonal I've ever cared about (except maybe PvP? Hmmm... back to the Mage Tower for my rogue of course, and there's always collectible stuff...), and can just play for fun or challenges for months to come. 

There will be more people around the house next week, so I wanted to get to two more things too. One was resolving the issue with logging in to work on my personal computer. Starting in March I had problems with it, and I think this day in May was the last time I got it to work at all, until yesterday. I found the SOP on fixing the issue and followed the whole thing step by step. Simple once I actually knew what to do. 

I also worked on sorting out my comic book collection. I've got three short boxes full of books I want to keep and one long box full of books I've be happy to part with. Progress.

For dinner we went out for Bastille Day to a nice French restaurant, Bistro Cacao. Haven't been there in a very long time. T. said 10 years and I can't be sure she's wrong.

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