Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Happy Fourth

Wordle 746 4/6


Yesterday was particularly lazy, especially for me. I just had cereal for breakfast, which is normal for a weekday but not for a holiday, and T. had nothing at all. After 11 AM we drove to Union Market (also lazy in my opinion but T. had gardened and showered and didn't want to get sweaty all over again walking there) for breakfast/lunch and a little grocery shopping.

Around 2 we got our stuff together and headed up to Bethesda, where we spent the whole afternoon and evening with our friends up there. Their apartment building has a rooftop pool and we got to see it for the first time. Nice place. We spent at least three hours lounging in and by the pool and chatting with our friends and their neighbors and other friends. Then another few hours in our friends' apartment to play with their cat and the nearby lounge area with a bar setup for dinner. Lots of protein - burgers and steaks and grilled chicken, because in addition to our friend who likes to cook another guest was an actual chef - plus a token salad and potato dish. (Our contribution was bringing some beers and sparkling waters.) 

After that, the main event, going back to the pool deck for fireworks. We didn't have a front-row seat for any fireworks show, but we could see probably literally over a dozen fireworks shows at a great distance. There was debate over which one was the main fireworks show on the Mall, but regardless, it was overshadowed by some show from a country club or somewhere like that around Fairfax. 

Hanging out with friends all day was fun. It was a very relaxing way to do it, meandering from the pool to their apartment to the lounge back to the pool area. (I almost feel like I should have a "relaxation" label, it has been such a concern in recent months.) It was more peaceful than being closer to the fireworks would have been. When we had a newborn and/or a cat, fireworks shows were more stressful. (Of course, going there for the show doesn't completely remove the stress; if we had been there but our cat was still alive, we would have worried about him, and we still had to get home through traffic and neighborhood fireworks in the middle of the street and get to bed well after bedtime.) But for the specific question of "was the fireworks show good?" I wish we were closer. It made me look forward to finishing our renovation and gaining a roof deck. It'll only be on the 3rd floor instead of the 17th like our friends' place, but it'll be right front and center for that. And everything else...

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