Monday, July 31, 2023


Wordle 772 4/6


Not much to say, of course, considering when I posted yesterday's, but there were a few interesting things going on. 

I've been toying with the idea of going to Friday Night Magic for the first time in a long time. There's no better chance than when the kid is out of town, right? Yesterday I dug around under the bed for my Modern deck. I have more cards than I realized, and they probably should be better sorted. In the end I did find the deck in question, so in theory, if I want to go, I can.

We also talked a bit about plans for the fall. We're probably going to Vermont in October, and yesterday T. bought tickets to two concerts in September. She's a little disappointed we aren't going on an extravagant trip for our 10-year wedding anniversary, and I can kind of see where she's coming from, but it's in the middle of the school year and we're planning a bit expense soon... she says we didn't get out act together in time for it. I say we don't have the bandwidth.

Speaking of that big expense, we looked into budget stuff. Quicken seems more reasonable than I assumed. 

Dinner was dumplings and leftovers.

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