Saturday, July 22, 2023

The biweekly report with the kid around

Wordle 763 4/6


Yesterday went well, despite the title. I had the early morning to myself, as usual - jetlag makes bedtime hard but the morning easier, as long as you don't have anywhere to be. I goofed off a bit but still stayed on top of things at work. 

It was the day of the biweekly report. It went average. In addition, I had another of those team check-in meetings, but I didn't have to say much in it, I just put headphones on and unmuted briefly when needed. T. took the kid shopping around 11, so I had the house to myself for a little while.

I was done with the report by 12:30. Not bad. After that, one of the things we had to do to get ready for the kid's trip was get some forms printed out. T. and I had both troubleshot our printer a bit, but while she was gone I gave up, called the library to confirm they were an option, and walked over there. It was so easy I almost regret putting so much time into our own printer. On the way home I did a little grocery shopping. These errands were also my exercise for the day.

T. and the kid got home around 2:30. There was a little downtime while we waited for the kid's friend to come over, but we felt it was worth the time; they hadn't seen each other in a month.

The dinner would be baby-back ribs and a salad. Around 5 I looked into recipes for the ribs. The first few said it would take 3 hours to cook, which made me panic, but fortunately I found some faster ones. 

We had a quick dinner because the first kid's friend left right around when the second arrived, for a sleepover. They had fun. T. and I were tired but reminded ourselves that the kid should get to enjoy her all-too-brief time at home. 

PS: I forgot to mention this at first but a buyer came for the comics around noon. Nice to have that over with. Considering how many people expressed interest, maybe I should have asked for more money, but half the goal was freeing up space and I accomplished that. Feels like it should be a bigger deal.

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