Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Grumpy Monday

Wordle 745 4/6


Out of sorts yesterday.

For one thing I was still a bit sore from the calisthenics Friday and jogging Saturday. That's too long. I need to be smarter about exercise. 

For another, work sucked. I decided to be good and get down to business. That's not fun. The task I expected to be hard was. One or two new things came in and of course it's urgent too. It wasn't too busy, probably because a lot of people took the day off due to the holiday, but still... not fun. 

Also, T. was around. Sharing an office is hard. Especially when the officemate isn't working on the same things as me. Especially when the personal stuff she's looking into is shared with me, like email discussions about the kid's school or the renovation plans, and she's looking at them while I'm working or vice versa.

I went grocery shopping in the morning to get my steps in and get the essentials for the next few days. In the afternoon T. had a doctor's appointment so I had the house to myself for a bit. 

Dinner was barbequed ribs, cooked in the oven because I was too worried about rain to grill, and salad. Messy and very easy.

We spoke to both T.'s and my parents on the phone around then. In my parent's case, we had tried to check in with them over the weekend but failed. No real news to pass on. In T.'s parent's case, though, T.'s dad fell off a tractor the night before and they had to go to the hospital, with the kid. This was T.'s dad's second trip in the past week. It's worrisome.

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