Monday, July 17, 2023

More cleaning, a movie, and hanging out with friends

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Yesterday I went jogging first thing. The full loop. Good for me.

I made waffles for breakfast. It's been a while.

We spent the late morning and early afternoon on cleaning, like the day before. The kid's room was fine but the rest of the house is messy in places, and I noticed maggots in the crevices of the trash can lid - blech. After doing some more around-the-house stuff with T., I worked on my comic book collection. I sorted about one short box of comics, let's say 150ish, and updated the spreadsheet with a lot of things I had done on previous days. 

In the mid-afternoon we went to the movies to see Joy Ride. It was fun. We're definitely taking advantage of the kid being gone.

After that, a quick easy dinner: salad and spaghetti. 

In the evening we walked halfway up the block and went to see friends. They're moving in a couple weeks. It was nice to catch up with them and generally chat about our respective plans for the upcoming year or two. Lots going on. Our kid would have enjoyed playing with theirs, but to be totally selfish about it, her absence made things calmer.

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