Sunday, July 09, 2023

Glenstone Museum

Wordle 750 5/6


Yesterday I went jogging a little later in the morning than usual. I almost didn't go at all, I had several concerns, but concerns didn't seem to outweigh the fact that I wouldn't get any aerobic exercise otherwise. 

We had the usual brunch of pancakes and bacon.

The event of the day was a drip to Glenstone, a modern art museum in Maryland. We went with our friend C. We had never been before. I had never heard of it, and T. had thought about it but kids aren't allowed, so it's yet another thing we couldn't do until now. It was kind of interesting. It was also a lot of walking, and a lot of it was outdoors, and it was hot. Still not aerobic exercise, but I got sweatier and my feet were more tired than I would have wanted.

When we got home we did some laundry and made dinner. Pork chops and broccolini. It was OK. I was my first time cooking with that, so it was a learning experience.

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