Monday, July 03, 2023


Wordle 744 5/6


Yesterday we had the usual Sunday brunch. Then we did a little work around the house - T. mostly gardening, me moving my comic book collection around. I've finished the heavy lifting. (For good. Forever. Yay.) I still want to actually get the comics I want to keep in one set of boxes and the ones I don't in another set and I haven't done that work yet. After lunch we noticed that a neighbor's house is for sale and having an open house and checked it out. Looks good. Some things, we like but aren't realistic or worthwhile for us; some things, we like and are planning as part of our renovation and got valuable perspective on. (Literal perspective, in one case; they have a roof deck, arranged differently from ours, and their house is only three over from ours so we can see how they would compare. I like how our roof deck will be in the front, unlike theirs. I'm not sure I like how big ours will be, it means the indoor space won't be all that big, but it's still worth doing.)

Around 2 we drove out to the Tyson's Corner mall. T. had heard about a clothes recycling option at a certain retailer, and had some money to spend at another one. After that, ice cream. I also had mentioned offhanded when on jury duty that I wished I had more heat-appropriate pants and she wouldn't let me forget it, so after the ice cream, to Banana Republic. I found pants that wouldn't look out of place in Tangiers and T. got a shirt. 

After that, T. did some shopping herself and I dutifully offered my opinions. Then she said she wanted to go to another store, and I said I'd rather browse the bookstore and it's near the car anyways, so we went our separate ways. I didn't plan to get too many books, books are a form of clutter too, but it didn't take too long to find something I'd like, and, hey, I can always give more books away. I got one novel and one graphic novel, and when T. joined me she picked out two novels for the kid. 

We had dinner at a restaurant in the mall. We hadn't been there before but we liked it. 

In the evening over TV I joined a random PUG raid in Warcraft that happened to be on the last boss of the current raid... and got Ahead of the Curve that way. Woo hoo. Now I've officially finished my goals for the season. But I did so without killing three earlier bosses (two are harder than the final boss IMO, and one is so easy that they're never looking for people, I gather), so I'm still kind of interested in them.

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